Values Discovery Worksheet

Why Understanding Your Values Matters

Your values are the core principles that shape who you are and what you stand for. They serve as your internal compass, guiding your decisions, actions, and interactions with the world. When you have a clear understanding of your values, you’re better equipped to make choices that feel authentic and fulfilling. However, compromising your values—whether knowingly or unconsciously—often leads to internal conflict, anxiety, and self-doubt.

For example, if integrity is one of your core values but you allow people to lie to you or find yourself staying silent when dishonesty occurs, you’re undermining what’s important to you. Similarly, if respect is a core value, you might naturally give respect to others, yet neglect to offer that same respect to yourself.

Understanding your values ensures that you hold yourself and others accountable to what truly matters, allowing you to live with greater alignment, self-respect, and peace of mind.


Step 1: Reflect on Meaningful Experiences

Take a few moments to think about times in your life when you felt truly fulfilled, proud, or aligned. Answer these questions:

  1. Describe a moment when you felt happiest and most alive.

    • Where were you, who were you with, and what were you doing?

  2. Recall a time when you were extremely proud of yourself.

    • What happened, and why did this moment make you feel so proud?

  3. Think about a moment when you felt deeply connected to others or a sense of purpose.

    • What made this experience so powerful?


Step 2: Identify Core Values

Review your responses. Look for themes or recurring ideas that emerge. From the list below, circle 10 values that resonate with the experiences you described.
Adventure, Authenticity, Balance, Compassion, Connection, Creativity, Determination, Empathy, Freedom, Growth, Health, Honesty, Humour, Independence, Integrity, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Learning, Love, Loyalty, Mindfulness, Open-Mindedness, Passion, Perseverance, Resilience, Security, Self-Expression, Service, Spirituality, Stability, Trustworthiness, Wisdom, Wealth, Well-Being, Other: __________



Step 3: Narrow Down Your Top Values

From the 10 you circled, narrow it down to your top 5 values. Write them below:


Step 4: Define What Each Value Means to You

For each of your top 5 values, write a short description of what it means to you personally.

  • Value 1: __________________________
    Meaning: ___________________________

  • Value 2: __________________________
    Meaning: ___________________________

  • Value 3: __________________________
    Meaning: ___________________________

  • Value 4: __________________________
    Meaning: ___________________________

  • Value 5: __________________________
    Meaning: ___________________________


Step 5: Evaluate Alignment with Your Current Life

Answer these questions to understand how your values show up in your life today:

  1. How well do you feel your current lifestyle and decisions reflect your top values? (Rate on a scale of 1-10)

  2. Are there any areas where you feel out of alignment with your values?

  3. What changes could you make to live more fully in alignment with these values?


Step 6: Create an Action Plan

Choose one or two values that you’d like to focus on integrating more into your daily life. Answer these prompts:

  • Value 1: _______________________

    • One way I can honour this value in my personal life is: _______________________

    • One way I can honour this value in my professional life is: ___________________

  • Value 2: _______________________

    • One way I can honour this value in my personal life is: _______________________

    • One way I can honour this value in my professional life is: ___________________




Source widely used concepts in values exploration and coaching frameworks. It's a tailored approach that integrates common self-reflection and alignment practices. Here are some alternative authors and thought leaders who explore values, authenticity, and personal growth:

Simon Sinek – Known for Start with Why, Sinek delves into how understanding your "why" and core values can drive purposeful living and leadership.

Steven Hayes – The founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Hayes focuses on values-based living and psychological flexibility. His book A Liberated Mind is a deep dive into aligning actions with values.

Audre Lorde – In her writings, such as Sister Outsider, Lorde discusses the significance of identity, values, and the importance of speaking one’s truth, advocating for personal integrity and authenticity.

James Clear – The author of Atomic Habits, he explores the link between habits and values, helping you understand how daily choices reflect your core beliefs.

Dr. John Demartini – In The Values Factor, Demartini explains how discovering your highest values can help you design a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Julia Cameron – Known for The Artist’s Way, Cameron’s work encourages individuals to reconnect with their creative selves and live in alignment with their values and passions.

Mark Manson – In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck*, Manson discusses how clarifying your values can simplify decision-making and lead to a more intentional, meaningful life.


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